Are Lab-Made Diamonds Really the Sustainable Future

 In recent times, a lot of brides have moved away from natural diamonds and towards lab diamond engagement rings in Allentown, PA. Lab-made diamonds are created the same way as natural diamonds but in a lab. They offer the same physical, optical, and aesthetic quality as natural diamonds.


Lab-grown gemstones are made using carbon-neutral equipment which allows you to maintain a lower carbon footprint. You can choose from a variety of shapes and styles even before the diamond is made.


Here are some of the main reasons why lab-grown diamonds are the future.


They are ethical

Even if a diamond claims to be conflict-free you can never be entirely sure. Natural diamonds not only use up a lot of natural resources but also don’t have labor safety requirements.


Ethical diamond rings in Allentown, PA, on the other hand, are made safely in a lab making them eco-friendly and ideal for eco-conscious brides. While mining diamonds aren’t sustainable and can affect the eco system, lab-made diamonds can help protect the planet in the long run.


They are affordable

Lab-made diamonds in Allentown, PA are much more affordable even at larger carat sizes. Since these diamonds do not need to be shipped or transported across distances, they are more cost-effective.


These diamonds also have next to no small flaws and imperfections and offer you brilliant shine and fire. These diamonds can be easily traced back to their roots as compared to natural diamonds which can be tough to find their source.


To Summarize

Lab-grown diamonds also rate a tough 10 on the Mohs scale, making them ideal for daily wear. These diamonds offer you a stunning shine and can help you take much-needed steps towards a more sustainable future.


Along with lab diamonds, you can also pick lab-made sapphires, rubies, and emeralds which offer you a wider choice.


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